Meeting with clients from Czech Republic

In September, negotiations were held after the equipment was launched, with our customers from the Czech Republic. A mobile concrete plant Sumab Mini was delivered. The Sumab Mini plant is designed to produce high-quality concrete and concrete mixtures in the volume of 5–9 m3 per hour. The plant is constructed on a container frame. The plant can be transported on a trailer at a speed of 40 km / h. 2 stores of inert materials. Pan mixer 500/300 liters, coated with 12 mm layer of special steel. 5 quick-release blades with fibroplasty tips. Automatic opening flap for ready-mixed concrete. Galvanized water tank, 200 liters, with built-in DANFOSS pump and water dispenser. Mobile concrete plant control panel. The keyboard of manual control. Easy touch screen for automatic plant control. Computer Siemens produces 20 grades of concrete with the ability to change the brand of concrete before each batch.
